obscurum per obscurius
(Lat.) the obscure by the more obscure
(The Penguin Dictionary for Writers and Editors)
pièce de résistance
(Fr.) most outstanding item, particularly applied to the finest dish in a meal.
(The Penguin Dictionary for Writers and Editors)
miles gloriosus
not -sis; pronounced meel'-us glore-ee-oh'-sus; a braggart, particularly a braggart soldier
(The Penguin Dictionary for Writers and Editors)
Vineland by Thomas Pynchon
Later than usual one summer morning in 1984, Zoyd Wheeler drifted awake in sunlight through a creeping fig that hung in the window, with a squadron of blue jays stomping around on the roof.
Collected Fictions by Jorge Luis Borges
In 1517, Fray Bartolomé de las Casas, feeling great pity for the Indians who grew worn and lean in the drudging infernos of the Antillean gold mines, proposed to Emperor Charles V that Negroes be brought to the isles of the Caribbean, so that they might grow worn and lean in the drudging infernos of the Antillean gold mines.
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"Possible Introduction to Future Biography or Self Improvement Series"
posted Tuesday, January 21, 2003:
I smell the coffee and hear the brewer quietly chattering to itself in the kitchen, but it is the sunlight streaming through the blinds that wakes me first, and I rouse, rested, stretch, and pull myself out of bed, pull myself to life. I live in Miami and the humidity loves me (it is so nice not having to moisturize twice a day).
I run my own business, and so I wake with the sun, the first few hours dedicated to evaluating the day's schedule in my underwear with a cup of dark brew. Everything looks in order. I down a few glasses of water and throw on my jogging shorts to get in a half-an-hour of running on the sandy stretch behind my condo that backs to the Atlantic, white surf the first to greet me with a salty kiss.
I've dreamt of this for so long, dreamt in bold, vibrant color, stealing the green-blue of the ocean, the searing yellow of the sun, silver sand, color that afterburns its compositions into the retina of memory as though your proximity to the source of life is directly correlated to color's intensity. I return and shower away the salt of the ocean, the salt of sweat, and dress to meet my first few clients of the day at the gym. I teach them form and function, help them understand their movements, guide them towards better results, better health, and better living.
Later, I meet my three coworkers for lunch. We are the sole employees of the business I've created, a software firm that develops training and personal fitness software for gyms, professional sports teams, and the self-motivated. The comraderie between us is palpable. Having just landed a large, nation-wide client, I buy everyone lunch and give them the day off. We toast margaritas to our success, salt falling on the table, green lime's sour song echoing our thrill.
Our office is small, smartly furnished, clean and cool. I return to finish the day's tasks, children to me, requiring care and tenderness and patience and that sometimes disappoint but spring an eternal source of pride and satisfaction. There are accounts to monitor, bills to disburse, project and work requests to review, new clients to contact, and inquiries to answer. There is so much to do, but so much possibility; it fills me to the brim.
My body draws me to the gym in the late afternoon and I join in a game of basketball, lift and commune with friends, and meet for a while with the general manager who has some new clients in need of some personal training. I take their numbers and will call them in the morning to explore their needs, chart maps and talk of potential because that is all I am these days: potential that flies in every direction at once like sparks from a firecracker.
My days are full and I pull forward, my life evolving, constantly cycling like the tide and, returning home, orbit complete, I make something small to eat that will keep me until the morning. One of my favorite activities is still nesting between the sheets with a book; sleep, a silent hunter, capturing me with the powerful heartbeat of surf that is felt through the open window by my bed.
Do you want it?
And if you had it, would you flaunt it?
Well it's yours. «
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