Journal & Weblog Write to Save Your Life May 3, 2003


does not mean vast and all-embracing but a succinct summary or abridgement. A compendium provides a complete summary in a brief way.
(The Penguin Dictionary for Writers and Editors)

gunki monogatari
Japanese narratives. Gunki monogatari, or "medieval war tales," dramatized the divisive civil wars that rocked Japan between 1156 and 1221 and resulted in imperial power struggles. Developed during the Kamakura (1185-1333) and Muromachi (1333-1568) periods of Japanese history, these tales institutionalized bravery, courage, and loyalty as a part of the Japanese national character, and formed the basis of many of the plots of Noh and Kabuki plays of traditional Japanese theater. The most highly regarded of these was the Heike monogatari, which dramatized the arrogance of the warring imperial-guard families of the 1180's and their eventual downfall. The medieval war tales contained a strong Buddhist subtext, in that they continually pointed out the ephemeral nature of human life and action.
(The Dictionary of Global Culture)

intoxicated with alcohol; drunk on four sous [corruption of the French quatre sous; British military, 1900's, Fraser and Gibbons]
(Slang and Euphemism)


Coin Locker Babies by Ryu Murakam
The woman pushed on the baby's stomach and sucked its penis into her mouth; it was thinner than the American menthols she smoked and a bit slimy, like raw fish.

Collected Fictions by Jorge Luis Borges
In 1517, Fray Bartolomé de las Casas, feeling great pity for the Indians who grew worn and lean in the drudging infernos of the Antillean gold mines, proposed to Emperor Charles V that Negroes be brought to the isles of the Caribbean, so that they might grow worn and lean in the drudging infernos of the Antillean gold mines.


Howard Dean for President, 2004

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"Universal Balance"
posted Wednesday, April 24, 2002:

The days have collected behind me, colliding with one another like a highway pile-up. There's been so much that I've wanted?no, needed?to record that simply hasn't happened due to the unhappy events of Monday that seemed to put everything else on the sidelines. It is becoming clearer, however, that those events are making the recording of my week even more important, in order to point out all the immense good spawned thereof. An unsourcable quote comes to mind: "If it hadn't been for the darkness, I wouldn't have seen the light."

I had an immense outpouring of support during the past few days as a result of the burglary, most from people I didn't know. Like the reaction after the September incident, I am amazed at the level of concern and support people are ready to offer strangers and am warmed thoroughly by the kind words, thoughtful gestures, and sympathy. I only hope my words were enough to express my thanks in return.

Poor times create a vacuum that friends scramble to fill. It finally makes sense to me how so many are attracted to disaster, drama, and chaos in life; not necessarily to attract attention but to build relationships with people because bonds built out of the trials of life form quickly and harden with the steely resolve to overcome.

My relationship with Chris has solidified in such. The weekend was a blur of color and events, parties and downtime, sleeping and waking in each other's arms. He had planned to come down on Tuesday, regardless, but after the bad Monday I sensed that he felt needed more than usual. He brought down roses and a supportive smile. I carried both into the evening that I will continue recording later tonight. «

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Chris Paul


Colorado, USA

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