Journal & Weblog Write to Save Your Life May 1, 2003


does not mean vast and all-embracing but a succinct summary or abridgement. A compendium provides a complete summary in a brief way.
(The Penguin Dictionary for Writers and Editors)

gunki monogatari
Japanese narratives. Gunki monogatari, or "medieval war tales," dramatized the divisive civil wars that rocked Japan between 1156 and 1221 and resulted in imperial power struggles. Developed during the Kamakura (1185-1333) and Muromachi (1333-1568) periods of Japanese history, these tales institutionalized bravery, courage, and loyalty as a part of the Japanese national character, and formed the basis of many of the plots of Noh and Kabuki plays of traditional Japanese theater. The most highly regarded of these was the Heike monogatari, which dramatized the arrogance of the warring imperial-guard families of the 1180's and their eventual downfall. The medieval war tales contained a strong Buddhist subtext, in that they continually pointed out the ephemeral nature of human life and action.
(The Dictionary of Global Culture)

intoxicated with alcohol; drunk on four sous [corruption of the French quatre sous; British military, 1900's, Fraser and Gibbons]
(Slang and Euphemism)


Coin Locker Babies by Ryu Murakam
The woman pushed on the baby's stomach and sucked its penis into her mouth; it was thinner than the American menthols she smoked and a bit slimy, like raw fish.

Collected Fictions by Jorge Luis Borges
In 1517, Fray Bartolomé de las Casas, feeling great pity for the Indians who grew worn and lean in the drudging infernos of the Antillean gold mines, proposed to Emperor Charles V that Negroes be brought to the isles of the Caribbean, so that they might grow worn and lean in the drudging infernos of the Antillean gold mines.


Howard Dean for President, 2004

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"San Francisco, Day 1"
posted Friday, November 30, 2001:

Today is my first day in San Francisco, my flight having arrived yesterday afternoon. The city is rather chilly but not bad after coming from freezing temperatures in Denver. These shoes had been walking on ice and snow not twenty-four hours ago.

I checked into a youth hostel downtown, rooming with three other guys: an 18-year-old from Wales and a 21-year-old from Denmark--both cute in a little-boyish sort of way, but fortunately not my type. I probably wouldn't have gotten any sleep if they had been. The third was a Japanese student who I never saw, but who came in around 4 this morning, causing a great ruckus and snoring like nobody's business. He kept both Martin and I awake and we joked about it this morning despite the fact that I had been seriously considering leaving and checking into a hotel earlier in the morning. To our luck, he seems to have checked out this morning.

The window in the shower looks out over an alleyway and main thoroughfare, where you can watch pedestrians and traffic. It's private, but still fun to think that someone might look up and see you showering in a small, obscure window on the side of a building. The steam from the shower spills out the window and into the morning air. I took my time getting ready this morning, and it's nice to think that I have absolutely nothing to do today.

I'm writing this entry from a coffee shop on Geary called Seattle Street Coffee that has both java and internet access. Just another great thing about big cities. Later on today, I may meet Jessie and Chris for lunch. Last night, Jessie and Reese were kind enough to show me around the city and take me out to a few bars on the Castro, although not much partying took place as it was a weeknight and, as I said, rather cool. Brian also happened to show up as we were heading home, and it was good to meet him as well. How many more webloggers can I possibly meet on this trip?

The city calls. Time to explore. «

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