Running with Scissors by Augusten Burroughs
My mother is standing in front of the bathroom mirror smelling polished and ready; like Jean Nate, Dippity Do and the waxy sweetness of lipstick.
East of Eden by John Steinbeck
The Salinas Valley is in Northern California.
The Straw Men by Michael Marshall
Palmerston is not a big town, nor one that can convincingly be said to be at the top of its game.
Vineland by Thomas Pynchon
Later than usual one summer morning in 1984, Zoyd Wheeler drifted awake in sunlight through a creeping fig that hung in the window, with a squadron of blue jays stomping around on the roof.
Collected Fictions by Jorge Luis Borges
In 1517, Fray Bartolomé de las Casas, feeling great pity for the Indians who grew worn and lean in the drudging infernos of the Antillean gold mines, proposed to Emperor Charles V that Negroes be brought to the isles of the Caribbean, so that they might grow worn and lean in the drudging infernos of the Antillean gold mines.
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posted Thursday, August 2, 2001
Desired Outcome Versus Actual Result
I was going to write something of great importance last night, but a strange turn of events resulted in me (purposefully) pulling the power-cord from my computer. Perhaps I'll elaborate on those events in the near future. For the time being, however, they will have to remain unsaid. The week has been full of events reluctant to be acknowledged or detailed, and I wonder if it's my ubiquitous aversion to the truth rearing it's ugly head. If so, I refuse to admit it.
Who is Helen Landing? The name is seared into the back of my mind like the retinal burn from a camera flash. Intensely vivid dreams have spun webs in my head the past few nights and the name has stayed with me, beyond post-arousal forgetfulness. Despite this, I cannot remember any details of the dream surrounding the name ? who she was, what she looked like, what my relation to her was ? and it has since echoed in my head like a bad Pat Benetar song.
The other dream I had involved the boyfriend and a tropical resort of some sort, which, after elucidation, resulted in the drawing up of an appropriate itinerary for travel to a tropical destination. I'll write more about this as plans solidify, but we're looking at many of the well-publicized gay resorts in the Caribbean. I've never been to one, and as a result, am a little skeptical as to the exact entailment and anatomy of such purlieu.
Media consumption of late has revolved around habitual web surfing, although I've made a point to read a bit every night and even purchase some new music. I've been exercising at the gym regularly this week, and ? despite lack of sleep ? have been in good order to "get my life back on track" (I hate that cliché, but it conjures the most appropriate visual). All evil forces aside, that will occur, on schedule, at approximately 7:34 p.m. on August 23rd.
Voltaire's "Candide" (or Optimism) has been quite the godsend.
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