Running with Scissors by Augusten Burroughs
My mother is standing in front of the bathroom mirror smelling polished and ready; like Jean Nate, Dippity Do and the waxy sweetness of lipstick.
East of Eden by John Steinbeck
The Salinas Valley is in Northern California.
The Straw Men by Michael Marshall
Palmerston is not a big town, nor one that can convincingly be said to be at the top of its game.
Vineland by Thomas Pynchon
Later than usual one summer morning in 1984, Zoyd Wheeler drifted awake in sunlight through a creeping fig that hung in the window, with a squadron of blue jays stomping around on the roof.
Collected Fictions by Jorge Luis Borges
In 1517, Fray Bartolomé de las Casas, feeling great pity for the Indians who grew worn and lean in the drudging infernos of the Antillean gold mines, proposed to Emperor Charles V that Negroes be brought to the isles of the Caribbean, so that they might grow worn and lean in the drudging infernos of the Antillean gold mines.
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posted Monday, June 4, 2001
I cannot stress enough how fast time has gone by these past few weeks. Jeff has given great, feathered wings to my watch and calendar; they pull me, breathless, behind them in a cloud of dust and paper and feathers. I anticipate the weekdays only for the moments of silence that allow me to catch my breath and write and exercise and meditate, but not without the blue longing for weekend flights.
I wanted to capture every moment on paper or film, but the amount of writing would be immense and, more importantly, unpractical. All I can do is hope that my memory serves me well. The amount of information that has been amassed over these past 3 weeks could fill an entire set of encyclopedias. It is amazing how much you learn about someone you really like in such a short amount of time.
Perhaps I'll post a picture of Jeff sometime. It would be worth more than my words could establish in this small space. I wish there was a way I could convey to you the beauty and wonder his presence has stirred in my life. Perhaps when I have more time, I'll try.
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