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Costa Coffee, Soho, London.

When I was 16, my first boyfriend and I went on a snowboarding trip together. We had been together for about six months and I didn't know it at the time, but I was madly in love with him. It's only now that I realize this. Anyway, he had this great idea to take along walkie-talkies with us on the slopes in case we got separated on the runs. We drove separate cars to Vail and, after the weekend was over, I drove back to my home and he drove back to Boulder. I looked down at the floor of my car as I was pulling into my driveway and noticed that I had accidentally kept one of the radios. I figure I would give it back to him the next weekend. That weekend passed, along with a few months, and that radio stayed on the floor of my car — my car hardly ever getting cleaned, you see. Soon, spring approached, he graduated and moved to California, and I stayed behind as I still had two more years of high school left. We lost touch, as he moved from place to place. We haven't talked since. Somehow, I've managed to hold onto that walkie-talkie. It sits in my nightstand next to my bed, and I keep it on. Every few weeks or so, I change the batteries, wondering if someday, I might get a random transmission from its orphaned twin. I've moved on and don't keep it on as a way to hold onto him, but in a romantic sense, I feel as though it's keeping part of me alive that I don't want to lose.
12:34 am«


Imagine waking up Easter morning still drunk off your ass. I don't think I've ever done that before. Now that I think about it, it's the first time I've ever woken up drunk, period, which is really odd because it's common knowledge that I'm not much of a drinker. Needless to say, I went to church out of guilt.

My family goes to the third largest Presbyterian church in the world, which is funny in and of itself, but they had the church decked out for a huge ceremony, including crowd control, bouncers, and priests running around with headsets attached to radios. It was like the local dance club had taken over. After the sermon—which seemed to go on for eternity—we rushed for the door. My roommate said she was pushed aside as some lady rushed outside and lit up a cigarette the minute she was out of the door. I don't smoke, but this morning's service had me jonesing for something.
1:26 pm«

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