The weather is beautiful today. Sapphire skies, a lemon sun, and crisp, mountain air. It's the kind of day that could be an advertisement for any number of consumer goods but I'm going to ignore that brainwashed perspective and just enjoy it for what it is: a simply amazing day.
I stayed home from work because I'm still fighting off this sore throat and I've been somewhat productive around the house despite body aches and minor sinus pressure. I opened the patio door in hopes the weather might invade my head. The army of suppliments and pain killers seem to be doing a decent job, so house cleaning and homework have ensued. I even made a trip to the grocery store to buy a few items for dinner: butter, eggs, broccoli, potatoes, orange juice, tomatoes, sour cream.
As the fall quarter is winding to a close, I'm seriously debating whether I want to continue going to school. Winter quarter is only a few weeks away, so the decision needs to be made soon. Sooner than I'd like, because the decision-making dongle in the upstairs hangar is a little fickle and I know if I cancel my class registration now, I may regret it later. I don't want to shoot myself in the foot as far as my education's concerned.
I haven't had sex in three months. I just needed to get that off my chest. And, in a way, I'm probably saying that more to congratulate myself than anything because I don't think I've gone longer than a few weeks since I came out during my junior year in high school. It's not a dry spell, because heaven knows I'm not with a lack of opportunity. Something sorta clicked off a while ago, and I know I've written about it already, but I'm just amazed that it's lasted this long.
So, basically, that's my life in a nutshell right now. I'm sort of in a holding pattern as far as everything else is concerned and haven't even unpacked from my trip to California until a few minutes ago. The birthday is on Saturday, whence much partying will commence, oh yes. I'm really looking forward to it.