
Outward Bound - July 1, 2001
     "I am truly exhausted. So much so, I nearly didn't write. We left the trail midday, yesterday, and have been forging out own across the Continental Divide and down through various valleys. The higher elevations are cold and windy, but devoid of mosquitos and get sun first in the morning.
     "Lower elevations are comfortable, but we are being eaten alive by mosquitos. We are still above 10,000 feet, so the nights are still chilly.
     "Each day, the views grow more spectacular. I don't want to take this for granted, but I am so tired and sore that I can barely keep my sense of humor, let alone my interest in our surroundings.
     "Fortunately, David and Risa and Erin have been keeping me in high spirits.
     "At one peak, we stopped to collect a rock that 'resonated' with us. I found two, a quartz rock and a hematite rock that Erin gave me. We ascribed a quality or aspect of ourselves to the rock that we would like to let go of, and pitched it off the side of the peak.
     "I couldn't think of anything, but figured I'd throw it anyway and decide later."

The problems we experience are not so much to do with who we are as to holding back who we really are.

-- Albert Einsten

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