Wednesday, May 16, 2001
Damnit. I should know not to take a full serving of that horrid TwinLabs RippedFuel before building a tolerance. They even say on the box to take half a serving before consuming regularly. Needless to say, I've felt off all day. It began as an energy high, quickly becoming nervously excited, chatting online at work, voraciously attacking whatever work requests I was given. After about an hour, I started bugging out. I began getting snappy and aggravated, the pent up energy sparking off like a geek's science fair project gone awry. I ran from work, ran to my car, ran into the gym, and continued running for the next half-hour. After a good hour of sweating, I left feeling relatively human.
My sporadic gym routine has been haunting me as I've tried to work in a relatively normal schedule without disrupting other responsibilities. I've actually been quite successful. For a while there, I was taking the RippedFuel on a regular basis, and it was doing my body good, packing a wallop of energy, and good source of protein. I stopped taking the stuff for a week due to finals, but absentmindedly took a large serving today. This is my problem. I'm pissed because I'm unable to maintain a regular schedule that includes: a) eating regularly, b) exercising enough, and c) sleeping enough ? the three keys to building strong bones and big muscles.
Somehow, one or the other slips through the cracks. I miss a meal. I miss a workout. I stay up too late. Missing one brings down the whole showboat, so it really is imperative that I keep all three on track. I've asked myself hundreds of times why I put myself through such a strict regimen. Most of the time, I'll tell myself it's a means of staying healthy. But deep down, I know the truth is I want to be an Abercrombie boy. There. I said it.
And as they say, admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery.
Et Cetera
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