Tuesday, January 22, 2002
It's frustrating when you work your ass off exercising diligently, eating right, taking care of yourself, and somehow, physical ailments still manage to get the better of you. I was in my weekly yoga class this week — an attempt on my part to help improve my flexibility and strengthen my lower back — when I leaned over and pulled the same muscle in my lower back that I had pulled last November. It's not a debilitating problem, but I can't sit without sharp pains in my back and right leg. Considering my job requires me to sit for eight hours a day in front of a computer, this poses a bit of a problem.
I scheduled an appointment with a chiropractor on Thursday at the recommendation of a few friends. I'm almost willing to pay any price to have this problem fixed and identify what I can do to prevent it in the future, and a chiropractor is the only solution I haven't tried yet so I figure I'll give it a shot. If that doesn't help, I may end up dealing in black-market narcotics.
On a brighter note, I've been in a wishy-washy state concerning my feelings toward my dad lately, but today I can honestly say I made somewhat of a turnaround during a conversation we had over dinner. He was in a good mood after working out ("...exercise gives you endorphins, endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't go around killing people." —Elle, Legally Blonde) and we were having a fun conversation involving my propensity towards marines (and men in uniform, in general), gay marriage, and meeting guys. It had been a while since we talked about those things, but it reminded me how grateful I am to have such an understanding, supportive, and enthusiastic father.
Speaking of men in uniform, I got to take my work on the road today and spend some time with other, uniformed employees at my company. And for those of you who know where I work, you understand how happy I am right now.
Et Cetera
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