Thursday, March 27, 2003
Via Popbitch this morning, Star-Spangled Ice Cream for those who dislike the idea of funding the "wacko left-wing causes" of Ben & Jerry's.
Expressed on the site is one of the more common fronts -- if not the only defense -- I've faced when confronted by staunch supporters of the war, specifically: "We are not ashamed of America. We think it's the best country ever. . ." Lauren at Feministe exprienced this response in regard to her post against the war, in which she was basically told to support the president or leave the country, that dissidence was a sure sign of her not being a "native American."
When did this war suddenly become about loving the country, about patriotism? I disagree with the reasons for war, but I do love this country and love living here (don't get me started on the idiocy of nationalism, though). Patriotism and disagreement with poltico-military aggression by one's government are two entirely separate things (I can love owning and driving a Lexus -- may even be a loyal customer to the company -- but can disagree with the way the drive train is designed; that doesn't preclude my admiration of the car itself, or what the company stands for) (Update: Best slogan seen yet is, "No Bush, No Saddam, No War" pointing out that being against Bush or the war doesn't necessitate your support for Saddam and vice versa).
This is the problem I have with the way the Bush administration has pushed their cause, the way the media has enabled such an ignorant mindset to be propagated throughout the population. We are not warring against Iraq because we love America and they do not. We are not even warring against Iraq because they are responsible for the 2001 attack. This has nothing to do with patriotism (perhaps pistachios?) (Update: The president's real goal in Iraq. Wow.)
I may not support the reasoning behind the war or the way it has been executed, and I certainly don't advocate initiating a war as a means to any end ("Warring for peace is like fucking for virginity"), and even though it was pure chance that I was born in America, as a US citizen I love my country and what it stands for. Just for the record.
And this is my last post on the war. Until it ends, that is.
Et Cetera
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