Friday, March 14, 2003
This site was hacked sometime last night by a particularly friendly individual who was kind enough to leave everything intact, while placing a startling, yet rather docile notice in its place. (To the culprit: Thank you for (1) a job well done and (2) your keen sense of civility about the matter, the mark of a true gentleman (or -woman (you never know these days)))
The Department of Justice's Computer Crime site is linked at the bottom and, while everything looked to be very official, and thus very surprising, the title of the page -- "0wned by the federales..." -- revealed it for a hoax. Political statement? Public alert? A few weeks ago, Ashcroft declared sites selling drug paraphernalia and infringing on copyrights would be siezed by the government, raising novel legal questions. Even though federal law prohibits selling any product that is primarily intended for use with illegal drugs -- including water pipes and small spoons used with cocaine (my mom used to collect small silver spoons) -- I'm extremely wary about this, particularly in regards to privacy and freedom of speech. I don't necessarily disagree with the move, but I sense intense slippery-slope potential.
Et Cetera
// Rolling list of recently browsed.
- » Not Gay Pride Month?
- » Hummina Hummina Hummina
- » Party of Five - 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
- » Funniest Goddamned Commercial I?ve Ever Seen - (MPG video)
- » ?Smart Bricks? Monitor Building Safety - (via Slashdot)
- » History of the Word ?Cunt?
- » American Dialect Survey at Harvard
- » Finally, a use for those old CDs. - (via Slashdot)
- » R.I.P. Sir Bernard Williams, Vivre Vérité - (via Arts and Letters)
- » Sniffing Freon in the Freezer Aisle