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Write to Save Your Life

Painter at Easel (1631), Gerrit Dou

Monday, September 9, 2002

The universe conspires. Of course, I could be delusional believing that certain occurances are part of a larger pattern when, in fact, I am merely predicting where the ball will land after it's been tossed into the air, but an overwhelming number of events have happened that seem strangely off course. Imgaine aiming for a destination but knowing you are facing the opposite direction, walking blindly, never altering your course, and yet somehow opening your eyes to discover you've come to the desired location, regardless your attempts otherwise. I've quietly projected my wants and desires into the ether of existence, without demand or condition or urgency, and have been answered in the most unlikely ways. Further, upon fulfillment, there has been more to my subliminal wishes than I'd expected: hidden meaning that reveals itself like the face of a Four O'clock in the fading afternoon sunlight. // I had been searching for a song recording I heard a little under a year ago with nothing to go on but an indistinguishable, repeating chorus in my mind and a tripped-up house beat, thinking I'd most likely run into it some day. Cleaning out my music files yesterday, I searched for a replacement on my file-sharing network du-jour, and mistakenly downloaded a different song by the artist I had been looking for. I loaded it into my player and exhaled audibly as the familiar words sounded over the beat that would not leave my head for the past ten months. Searching quickly on the internet, I came up with the source: an old Billie Holiday song, the jazz legend crooning over a strange, yet undeniably hooking rhythm. Her words, previously indistinct, were now emblazoned across my computer screen.

Them that's got shall get,
Them that's not shall lose.

Alex Gopher - The Child (MP3, 4.16 Mb)


Et Cetera

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