Thursday, April 11, 2002
The past twenty-four-odd hours have been a blur of activity. First there was the date yesterday evening, which went better than expected and included a bit of rock climbing at my gym followed by burgers at Red Top and lots of driving around for good conversation. We stopped at the Gold Camp Road overlook and chatted while the city lights winked at us and then continued on home. I had forgotten what a strikingly deep brown his eyes are. Chris has endearing, almost-cartoonish features and the most adorable smile that makes my stomach twist every time he looks at me.
Instead of slowing down with the passage of the night, however, my schedule managed to grow even more raddled. Talking to my manager, I received approval for a two-week business trip to London, contingent upon the timely renewal of my passport that required a stifling, three-hour tarry in a stuffy room and two trips to and from work to the downtown post office. Had this been the sole excitement for the day, I probably would be less frazzled but read on to see the insanity mount.
A visit to my school to drop yesterday's aforementioned class proved my commitment skills to be in extreme want as I proceeded to drop the class only to sign up for another in order to maintain my full-time student status and avoid a hefty fine. (Okay, so not necessarily the most ardent of banes on my ability to effectuate, but it was nonetheless discouraging after having decided, concretely, that I was done, period.) Bills in disarray, schedules in a further muddle, and running out of money, I was forced to make several arrangements to finish this process online and over fax.
I'd continue on about the several problem logs that arose at work afterwards, and how I'm worried about moving and car payments and taxes (who isn't?), and how I'm working fervently to keep myself from feeling depressed and overworked, but I really don't feel like it because I tend to ramble when I do and that simply doesn't make for interesting reading later on down the line. Not that I'm doing this for high interest level but my life really is more interesting than all of the things I write about, I just never seem to be able to convey that in my writing.
Chris invited me to a birthday get-together tomorrow at JR's and a "Would You Like to Stay the Night?" proposition that I tentatively turned down in light of the "Let's Take This Slow" conversation. I'm kicking myself over and over again after realizing that I'll need to work the morning after. And the morning after that. Note to self: Never take on another secondary, part-time job.
Et Cetera
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