Monday, October 16, 2000
Driving to work this morning, I noticed a bumper sticker on a car ahead of me displaying a Denver Bronco's logo and the title "World Champions." At first this struck me as funny. I mean, sure they won the past two Superbowls, but c'mon, "World Champions"? Somehow, bumper stickers like this suggest to me that the driver of the car feels, in some way, superior because he is a fan of the winning team.
Although it makes sense in a very limited sort of way, the idea just started to piss me off. THe arrogance that sticker suggested astounds me. And it's not just the hot-headed ego we boast in often pointless, professional sports that amazes me, but the superciliousness that we display in every aspect of our culture from foreign relations, to the environment, and commercial enterprising.
I know that sometimes it's difficult for people to get past their inbred, sibling-rivalry one-upmanship, but to the driver of that car and the rest of the world that refuses to grow up and see beyond the end of their noses: "Get over yourself."
Okay. This is me getting over it right now.
Et Cetera
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