Friday, February 22, 2002
I need a direct link to this thing, some sort of feed from my brain to the database on my server so that I can siphon off even a particulate amount of this flood of thoughts that breaks over my mind, day-in and day-out. It's discouraging to think of how much human thought processing is going on out there, and how miniscule a portion of that is recorded or shared with someone else. On the other hand, what an amazing medium the web is for doing both at the same time: recording and sharing.
I went rock climbing last night again with Leif and managed to complete every single route I hit, including a 5-9 that has been tormenting me for the past week. My hands still feel like Jell-O. Afterwards, I had planned on packing and meeting up with the new dating interest for dinner, but due to some miscommunication and bad timing I was left at home with a pizza and Civ3. I'm not complaining.
Cale sent me a link to Colorgenics , where I took a frighteningly accurate personality quiz. I'm normally ambivalent towards these sort of things, because—like horoscopes—they tend to be so ridiculously general they could apply to just about anyone. This quiz churned out some specifics that raised my eyebrows:
"Everyone has to compromise at times.. and circumstances are such, that at this time you are feeling the need to do just that. Put all of your hopes on the back burner and let matters flow...for a time...forgo some of the things you want. The good times are around the corner."
You are a master of demonstrating considerable charm in the hope that this can or will lead to better things... Deep down - you are fearful that this may not work and that you may have to employ other strategies in order to realise all your ambitions.
I'm going to Vegas tomorrow for Derek's 21st birthday and will be back Wednesday. Luck be a Lady (or at the very least a cute, shirtless, Austrailian Rugby player ).
Et Cetera
// Rolling list of recently browsed.
- » Build A Home Network From Scratch
- » 10 Appalling Lies We Were Told About Iraq - (Only 10?)
- » Google = God
- » Antique Sex Change
- » Homos and Morality
- » DNA tests confirm remains as those of Canny Ong
- » Not Gay Pride Month?
- » Hummina Hummina Hummina
- » Party of Five - 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
- » Funniest Goddamned Commercial I?ve Ever Seen - (MPG video)