Tuesday, August 15, 2000
As of September 1st, my integration with the Corporate Collective will be complete as I leave my entry position of "Intern" and become... dun dun DUN... a "systems programmer." Of course, this is not without the usual perks of recruiter wooing, such as paid lunches, signing bonuses, new cars, estate titles... oh, ahem. I keep forgetting this isn't The Firm At any rate, my salary has received a healthy increase.
I debated telling them I was gay. I've worked here for over a year-and-a-half and they still don't know. Not that I hide it or anything, it's just that no one has ever asked. I still believe that it's something they should know now that I'm a permanent member of the group, as the majority of the empployees are quite open about their marriages and personal lives. I feel a little like I'm cheating them by introducing them to my boyfriend as my "friend." I feel like I'm cheating him. I feel like I'm cheating myself.
Only time will tell. Things usually don't work out the way I plan, but we'll see. If it's meant to be, I suppose it will happen.
Et Cetera
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- » Not Gay Pride Month?
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- » Party of Five - 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
- » Funniest Goddamned Commercial I?ve Ever Seen - (MPG video)