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Write to Save Your Life

Painter at Easel (1631), Gerrit Dou

Friday, May 5, 2000

It was Freud who wrote once that whenever he made a discovery, he found some poet who had been there before him. There is no doubt that the action of creation is very similar to the act of dreaming. Anias Nin recognized this as well:

The difference [between dreaming and creation], however, is that [creation] includes an activity that has been difficult to analyze. It is not only the power to summon an image, but the power to compose with that image. The second faculty of active creation is what is mission from the use of drugs. Drugs induce passivity. Passivity, like the passivity of India induced by religion, is destructive to both human life and art. Why should we want to penetrate this realm of creation, of dreaming? Because it contains the key to a knowledge of ourselves. Journaling has a subliminal influence, much in the same way poetry does. It influences by contagion, empathy, like music.


Et Cetera

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