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Write to Save Your Life

Painter at Easel (1631), Gerrit Dou

Thursday, October 18, 2001

This week has passed in a stampede of dust and garbage, leaving me in the middle of the road on a nondescript Thursday afternoon. I'm wondering if I should be concerned. That is, concerned about how I am constantly busy because I feel like I've just been letting time pass me by.

I went to Denver this weekend to see Patricia Barber in concert at the Gothic with my brother and some friends. She's groovy. I never knew my brother to be much of a jazz enthusiast, but apparently he's been drinking the stuff down in giant gulps, lately. I'm liking the fact that his music tastes are as varied as mine. It's good to try new things. Plus, I ran into Paige there, and finally got to meet her girlfriend Rebecca, who we've all been joking didn't exist since no one had ever met her. I'm the first one.

After a second lunch with Susanna on Saturday, I went out on the town with no plans. Just me. It felt great to go out and wander the city by myself and not have to worry about should-bes or could-bes. I parked by the Mayan and picked up a matinee ticket to "Ghost World," which I'd been wanting to see for a while. I window shopped along Broadway, called a few friends to say hello, and took the day in: the fall sun on my face and the crisp air in my nose.

After grabbing a bite to eat -- one slice of vegetarian deluxe pizza -- at Famous Pizza -- famous in the same parallel universe that the Pope is a sado-masochist -- I wandered back up the strip to the theater and slipped in just before the previews -- my favorite part of most movies -- which, fortunately, were only half as good as the movie I had paid eight bucks for -- matinee, too, can you believe it?

Saturday, I watched a movie with Cale and Lindsay and crashed out early. I'm working on paring down my weekend plans to do more vegging and sleeping. It seems like I'm always on the go, lately. Sunday, I washed my car, went to class, and again turned in to bed early. Well, early, in relation to the midnight curfews I've been setting for myself, which tends to be around 10 p.m.

I talked to Peter last night. Some things I'm working on this week: a) saying "no," b) painting, c) coming up with reasons why I should move, and d) following my first gut instincts. Books I'm reading this week: a) James Morrow's Only Begotten Daughter (finished), b) E.F. Schumacher's Small is Beautiful (again), and c) Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra's Don Quixote.


Et Cetera

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